Friday, August 27, 2010

{Friday Find} Look what I scored!!!

I saw her on craigslist...

I had to have her :-)

Only $10... and better yet... theres two of them!

I emailed the owner and guess what? I knew her! She emails me back
'is this the rhiannon i know?'

So funny how you reconnect with old friends!
So today I made a new friend, two infact...

I will name them Elliana & Mahealani

Don't you just love them? I do!
I'm super excited to get working on them.

Here are some of the fabric swatches Im considering:

Any ideas or suggestions?

Im linked up at:


  1. Love the chairs; they have great bones! I really think the green and brown print in the second row, on the right, would look awesome on those babies! Can't wait to see them when you are done.


  2. I love these!!! and I love the green and white print. Its so awesome, I cant wait to see them when they are done! Thanks for linking up

    love your guts

  3. awwwwwwwwwwww im so glad we re-connected thru craigslist! i cant wait to see what you do to these chairs! xoxoxoxo

  4. Well you know I love a trellis pattern! Those quatrefoils are fantastic, too. Oh, and the roses... how will you choose? You almost can't go wrong! I used a print similar to the green and white one for another project and I LOVE it. Can't wait to see the final product!
