Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving {I am thankful for}

It is now 5am and I'm not up to prep my turkey, boil my potatoes or prep my stuffing.
I just finished giving my son what feels like the millionth nebulizer treatment.
Yesterday just before lunch my dad calls me at work and says that my son is breathing fast and it seems like he was having a hard time breathing. I called the doctor and got the next appointment and the we were off.
They checked his oxygen level and it was extremely low.
With no hesitation she said, it was bad, really bad.
My son a usually very healthy boy was in bad shape. If youre a mother you know the hopeless feeling you get. I was crushed.
About a month a go we went to the dr for the first time. They said it was a cold and couldnt do anything. He got better in about a week and then a few days later he got the same cold again. We went back to the drs and they said he was fine and just to keep him comfortable. Again a week later he was fine again. The cough came back about a day ago and I was so upset. You just know when something isnt right with your child.
Sure enough here we are facing the possability he might have to get admitted into the hospital.
Thank goodness after neb treatments every 3 hrs and even waking him in the middle of the night his breathing is almost back to normal. We have to go back to the ER today to check him out and see if we need to continue his once every 3 hr treatments.
Were exhaused. Not just because weve been up with him every few hours but because its so emotionally draining.

So, I am going back to bed for about 2 1/2 hrs before we need to do it all again.
I wish you all a very happy thanksgiving and hope that you all remember and spend a moment thinking of everything you are thankful for. Hug and kiss your loved ones, hold your babies just a little tighter and a little longer and tell them you love them and are thankful for them.

God Bless you all!


  1. I hope he feels better soon, and that they figure it out. I can only imagine how you're feeling right now.

    I have a friend whose son was basically born with pneumonia and had respiratory problems for almost his first whole year. He's coming up on his second birthday and has gotten much better. He still has to have nebulizer treatments every once in a while, mostly during allergy season.

  2. My prayers are out to you and your son! I hope he is feeling better and that you all have been able to get some rest!

  3. Poor guy, hope Talon is okay. That is definitely a frightening, helpless feeling when your baby is that sick and you can't fix it immediately. Gotta love those Kauai drs, they never want to diagnose or treat the patients and leave it up to the parents to observe them. At least he'll have age to take regular medicine soon which should help when he gets those nasty coughing colds. We'll be thinking of you guys.
