Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Recap

Whew what a weekend!
Usually we put up our Christmas lights Thanksgiving weekend.
Well given the craziness of the weekend, it didnt go up.
So this weekend was our weekend to put up the lights.... so we thought!

Our chest freezer had other plans for us...

Friday evening I went to put something in our freezer and it was broken!
Nothing was defrosting so we decided to leave it shut and run into town in the morning to buy a new one.
I guess it served its purpose, we had it for 2 years and bought it used for $50.
We got our money's worth.

So Saturday we spend our morning going to Home Depot, Costco and then Sears.
Of course the last place we expected to find a decently priced one was the place we found one.

Although it was unexpected expense, she sure does look purdy.
Merry Christmas to me and my hubby, no gifts anymore.

Or... I could just consider this my gift...
about 2 weeks ago I found a headboard on Craigslist for $20.
Sorry no before pix.
20 bucks is a steal so i snatched it up!
Brought it home and sanded and primered it.

Then painted it white to match my buffet turned dresser.

And brushed it with glaze, well not glaze but stain.
If it looks tall, thats because it is. Our bed is on risers so we needed to extend the legs about 8"

My lil helper! He kept butting in saying I fix I fix.
Ok, little boy you fix.

So finally after much ado about nothing...
I finally have a headboard!

So lets see how much this project cost me
Headboard: $20.00
Sanding paper: 0
Primer: 0
Paint: 0
Glaze: 0
Screws for mounting: $2.83
(sanding paper, primer, paint & glaze I had on hand)

Total for project: $22.83

Now the next project

I'm linking with the parties {here}



  1. That looks fantastic!!! That really was a great deal! Seeing stuff like this all over blogland makes me never want to by new furniture again! So inspiring!

  2. Looks great! Isn't having a helper fun?

  3. I LOVE it!! Your little helper is uber cute too :)

  4. Love it! I never seem to see awesome headboards like that when I look; at least, not for under $50 or something!

    Question...what is above on the walls? I love that look!
