Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday Night Dinner

Ugggh. Yesterday I was suffering from the Monday Blahs.
I had defrosted some ground beef before leaving for work in the morning and I got home without a clue what to make for dinner. We just had loco mocos not too long ago, meatballs and mushroom gravy followed that and I had also made spaghetti recently too.

Of course, what else does anyone do in a time like this.... head for the internet!
I looked all over for inspiration and then I remembered over at Kevin & Amanda there was a recipe for  Ultimate Baked Beans. Hey why not I got everything in my pantry and I need something different.

So here's the line up thank you for the photo Amanda, which I borrowed from her post.

Photo courtesy of Kevin & Amanda

Of course I cant just leave things alone. I put in two cans of pork n beans, well cause we like our beans.
I also had no bacon defrosted so I had to go without. Boo.... would have been really good with the bacon, well next time.

I put everything in a bowl, mixed it all up and put it in the oven for baby and me... oh wait sorry, I got carried away there. So I put the bean and hamburger mixture in an 8X8 baking dish and baked for a total of about 45 mins.

Since I didnt have the bacon, I went for the tried and true... the one that every local can count on

Now, now dont be hating!
Spam is good stuff.

And so while the beans were in the oven and the spam was on the stove, what did I do?
I have to share this part cause Im so proud of myself and I dont care if it's my OCD side.
I wash all my dishes.

Yup, I really do.
That way we dont have a sink overflowing with dishes after dinner and thats more time to hang out as a family. Actually it doesnt really work out in my favor. The rule in my house is whoever cooks doesnt wash dishes after dinner. But when I cook I wash as I go which means the hubs hardly has any dishes to wash afterwards. Maybe I should re think my strategy???

Alright so dinner is ready... time for the taste test...

Really good with the Spam, prob would have been even better with bacon.
I could really taste the ketchup and the sweetness of the sugar so I would probaby cut back on those two ingredients next time. Other than that, oh this was such a life saver!
Thaks Amanda fo another great recipe.

Here's what her's looked like, waaayyy nicer than mine.

Photo courtesy of Kevin & Amanda

What is your go to recipe site or life saver recipe?

And dont forget, if you like what you see, please vote for me

Im linking to some of the parties {here}

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious. You're making me hungry now. Next stop will be my kitchen.
