Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bokeh Photo Party...

**UPDATE: I missed the party but go check out the photos anyway!**

I'm joining the photo party today over at

I have been very MIA recently getting ready for my son's birthdaty party this weekend.
I can't belive he's two, time sure does fly by.
I was really excited for the theme of this party but the timing just wasnt right to play with my camera and get some good shots.

This photo happened totally by mistake.
It was our friend's bachelor bbq and I went down to their house to pick up my party boy (the hubs) and bring the bride back home.
I brought my camera cause the bride knew the boys wouldnt have a pix that she could put in her wedding album.

I saw these clothes pins on the line and thought it was pretty cool and I just snapped the shot, unknowing how totally awsome it would come out.

This one I posted before but I just really like how it looks.

And thats all she wrote for today.
Once I wipe up the tears and gather my feelings I'll share with you the precious gift that we received from God 2 years ago today.

Happy Birthday my lil man!


  1. Great shots, and happy birthday to your little boy!

  2. Those are both great photos! I don't have that artistic eye.
