Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Edition of 4M's..... ♥

Yay, super cool news from the 4M's (Monday Music Moves Me)
I was chosen as one in their "spotlight couple" so totally stoked (inset happy dance here)
I love music and this is such a fun party to participate in I love coming back every week so come on ya'll come and play too!


So today is Valentine's Day.
Throughout life I've had many different feelings towards this holiday.

At one point in my life my Valentines anthem was {this} song from Alanis Morissette and the modern day version from Cee Low {here}
(I'm posting just the links and not the videos due to well... profanity)

Is it because I'm happily married now for 10 years? maybe
Is it because I'm older and wiser? hehehe ok possible
Is it because I have realized that Valentine's doesnt have to be about getting a card in your locker from the guy you're crushing on, getting asked to dance at the high school dance or getting flowers sent to you at work infront of all your co-workers?
 I have found within myself that Valentine's Day should be to celebrate love no matter what the reason.
Love between friends, family or that special person.
Love can mean so many different things.
Here are some of my faves...
This one is for my hubby

I love this song for its words, because you're amazing just the way you are

I like this one cause it's so cute. And I'm totally crushing on Artie

These are classics, love them ♥

This one is adorable. makes me want to dance with my hubby.

And then dance with my hubby 20 years from now...

Do you feel the love??


  1. All excellent choices! Happy Valentine's Day - and congrats on your Spotlight Dance! :)

    Happy Valentine's Day - MMMM

  2. I agree! Very great choices!
    Glad you shared with us today.
    Happy Valentine's Day!


  3. So, did you have a good time? Sure hope you did. Happy Valentines Day! Love all your choices. Wow! Billy Ocean sure did change, but not his voice. Great picks. Have a great day! See ya next time!

  4. That Alan Jackson song always makes me tear up!
