Tuesday, March 22, 2011

after weekend vent session....and boobies

I've had a completely exhausting weekend... oh how I wish I had one more day to recover!!!

I have lots of little projects to share with all of you and so much to catch up on.

I got my sample of basic H2 cleaner that I won from a giveaway hosted by A bowl full of lemons, I so wanna tell you guys about that.
We changed out the light above our dinning room table and for a great deal.
I picked up a craigslist desk for $25 yay! I now have a place to craft instead of my bedroom floor!

I sometimes feel like I am caring for a 2 yr old going on 15, a 34 yr old going on 3 and lets not even get into mama drama and daddy drama...just plain old family drama. (btw none of the family drama is connected to the other, its all seperate)

And just all kinds of other little things that make our life so crazy and hecktic.

(all photos via google and all I'm feeling as my anthem right now)

But, this morning I read {this} post over at Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy and Babies!
Hanna from The Olive Parent is guest posting on her journey of breastfeeding all 7 YES SEVEN of her children.

I feel like she was telling my story!
I breastfed for exactly one year at that time my son decided that he was done breastfeeding. I didnt have to fight him he decided, and I was so greatful for that.

Breastfeeding was not an easy task for me. I knew the health benefits and I wanted that bonding experience with my son. Not to mention the cost of formula!

I had so much pain while breastfeeding and everyone told me thats how it is in the begining, it gets better. My son nursed every hour and a half and when he was done I was left with burning nipples to the point I was crying instead of a close bonding feeling that I thought I would have. It must have been over two months before we got diagnosed with Thrush. It was THE most painful experience ever. What hurt even more was thinking that my son was suffering because of it as well and that I missed out on that bonding feeling from the very begining. I was tired and cranky and lets just say it a bitch for a while.
It took two rounds of antibiotics and a week of blow drying my nipples before it cleared up. But when it did, breastfeeding was a breeze. I couldnt think of any other way to have it.

I have a smart, happy and healthy boy. (not to brag or anything) I feel so blessed to have been able to give him the gift of breasfeeding and to have had that closeness and bonding time.

Go read her story {here} if youre a mom who breastfed you can appreciate it.

I am:


  1. I breastfed my 3, but OMG, the pain. Oh, I put my hands over my nipples anytime I ever read about it. LOL

  2. Girl, take a deep breath. It will all get better soon.

    I didn't know you had thrush...ouch! But aren't you happy you went through all that just to have that healthy, adorable little boy.

    I'm going to go check out that story now.

  3. It's been a long LONG while so I barely remember those days but I vaguely remember pain to start. So, as time goes by...your memories of pain will fade and the bonding grows stronger. Glad you're feeling better! :)

    Happy Spring!
