Friday, June 24, 2011

Flying Saucers

Flying Saucers

This food item deserves its own post.

I dont know what it is about 2 pieces of toasted white bread filled with a kind of manwich mix and cheese that drives people insane!
No really, I'm serious.

You find them at Bon dances and carnivals.
Everyone has a slightly different recepie but its basically just manwich mix.

They sell for $3 each and we have to put a limit of 10 per person if not they buy them like they'll never see them for the rest of their lives, even though the bon dance the follwing weekend will probably be selling them as well.
People stand in line for an hour or more even to get some.

Here is the stash for the "slow night" and this is only half since they have to precook as early as they can since they sell soooooo fast!

Rows and rows of pre buttered bread and stuffed with the filling.

This is how they are cooked.
In special made molds that are held over a fire and tuned back and forth till they are toasted just right. You cannot miss the unmistakeable clacking of the molds as they are open and closed and flipped over and over.

So here's how they do it. They put the sandwiches in the middle of the molds and then the edges are cut off with a butter knife.

Then over the fire they go, flipping and clacking.
See one peeking out below.

They are slipped into little paper envelopes and are sold individually.

Sorry I dont have a picture of the actual flying saucer, I had to get busy working and they sold out in 2 hours!!!

If you ever get a chance to try one, its a MUST!

I think I'll have to make some and share it with you... hmmm project?

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