Monday, June 13, 2011

* I Rocked the Bump! *

Shell is having a fun party today over at Things I Can't Say
It's all about rocking your baby bump!
Now that I'm a mother and I've been there, I can say that I just love baby bumps and labor stories. I guess since I've been there and I can relate.

This picture was taken at Kula Botanical gardens when we went to Maui for our friend's wedding. I was 29 weeks pregnant.

I actually went into premature labor after this trip and ended up with a stay in the hospital the day after we came home. I also got the strict no more traveling!

The pix below I think was taken a week or two later, and we used it for our christmas card that year. I thought I was huge... I can laugh at myself now.

I took these maternity pictures 1 week before I gave birth so I would be about 36 weeks pregnant.

Yea I rocked my bump and I was loving every minute of it!

Go check out the other baby bumps too!


  1. your pics are gorgeous! And I love how you owned your pregnant body!

  2. How cute! I was about that big at 12 weeks, lol.

  3. awwww, too cute! I love baby bumps and labor stories too! I will def be checking it out!

    Visiting from

  4. You look wonderful!

  5. how beautiful! I'll be participating tomorrow!

  6. You were SO CUTE! And I love the professional shots. What fun!x

  7. I love that last photo! So cute.

  8. You definitely rocked it! You were adorable!

  9. Cute! I love the little bow tied around your bump.
