Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hoo are you?

Here are this week's questions!

1. Have you ever attended a professional sports game?
Yes I have, once in high school we were at a DECA conference in St. Louis and went to a cardinals game
2. Have you ever been to a concert and if so which one was your 
ultimate favorite performance?
Yes several local performers but I honestly havent been to a concert in YEARS!!
I think my all time fav was UB40. I think I was in the 6th grade! LOL
3. Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World?
Disneyland yes! Disney World no, but would like to one day.
4. What is your favorite theme park?
I have only been to a few, since we dont have them in Hawaii! I have always wanted to go to waterloo (is that what the water park is called?) I love watching those shows about the different theme parks. I had a great time at 6 flags cause I love coasters! If they suspend you and go upsidedown the BETTER they are!!
5. Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
We dont vacation enough to have a favorite spot. Infact we dont vacation. It's too expensive here to go anywhere. I am looking forward to a vacation that I demanded for our 20 yr anniversary. I demanded that my husband take me to wine country.


1 comment:

  1. I think the government should be required to send us all on vacation at lest once a year! ;)
