Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stay at Home Mom or Career Woman??

I always say if I knew then what I know now, I would have taken a different career path. Heck I would have taken a different LIFE PATH for that matter.
Don't get me wrong I love my life, it's just I wish it wasnt such a daily struggle sometimes.
Being a mother really changes you, well it did me for sure.

There are days that I wish that I could stay at home with my son and spend the day playing and reading and crafting and cleaning and cooking and blogging.
And then there are days that I love having a career and going to work. (I work in jeans and slippers how can I not like it) I enjoy working with adults and earning my salary.

Choosing to be a stay at home mom is a very personal choice, my choice to be a career woman is primarily because of financial reasons.
(with a $3K mortgage we can't afford only one income)

When I find time to blog, I get so jealous of these stay at home moms doing all these projects and fun things with their kids and having time to blog about it.
And then to top it off you guys mostly live close to each other and have conventions and girls night out!
So J!

I noticed a trend... all 'yall SAHM bloggers are from Utah!
No wonder you guys can get together and you all talk about the DI... something I of course know nothing of! (on the island I live we dont even have Goodwill)

Circle of Moms had an article on Working vs. Stay at Home Moms that I really enjoyed.
(link to article below)

So what is your take on Working vs. Stay at Home?

And just because I can't do a post without any pix... here's my fav time... sleep time.

1 comment:

  1. working vs staying home can sometimes be a tough choice! I'm lucky to be able to be home with my almost 2 year old but at the same time I so MISS being a part of a "team", having adult conversations, and just being able to be AWAY from the home LOL I do love my morning cuddles with my little man though...and it's THOSE moments that make me not want to work outside the home!
