Saturday, October 29, 2011

The sickies and our version of the 'pumpkin patch'

I've been fighting a cold for almost 2 weeks and now that I'm feeling better, the lil man is starting it.

Major Bummer...

I feel so hopeless and frustrated that I can't do more for him.
I'd stay sick for another 2 weeks if I could take it away.

Atleast we got some pumpkin time in before we were down for the count!

All my son wanted this Halloween was a pumpkin.
He doesnt want to dress up, he doesnt want to go trick or treating for candy, he just wanted a pumpkin.

He doesnt want to carve it though, just to have it.

Poor kid, this is the closest to a pumpkin patch were gonna get, a display at the grocery store!

He is as happy as can be!


  1. I was just gonna say, "Are you getting that pumpkin at grocery store??" and then I read that last line!

    Your friend REALLY needs to get that pumpkin patch in order for next year. Every kid should have the experience of picking a pumpkin out of a patch at least once in his lifetime!!!

    But even though you had to get yours from a store, the smile on your son's face is priceless. What an adorable little guy he is!!!

  2. He looks so happy! Yup, too bad there's no pumpkin patch on Kauai. Next time you guys should come visit us =)
