Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DIY Soap Scum Killer

About a month ago, Jennifer from Life, Crafts and Whatever posted a miracle recipe.
She called it the Soap Scum Killa.
Ok, so its not really a Miracle but it sure does work like a dream.

I have white shower stalls and no doors just a shower curtain so me taking pictures of that is just pointless. But me sharing this recipe will be life changing.... ok maybe I'm being a tad overly dramatic but you'll love it.

First take two regular household items. Dawn liquid soap and vinegar, equal parts.

Put the vinegar in the microwave for about 1 minute and then add it to the Dawn.

Mix it well together.
It won't smell all that great.
Let it cool slightly before pouring into your spray bottle.

Otherwise you get this....

Yea, it melted, lesson learned.
All you have to do it spray it on let it sit for a bit and then scrub off.
I could never see my soap scum and I scrub my shower once a week.
When I used this concoction I noticed the water bead off the shower stall as if I had just polished it. I also used it on my bathroom sinks and my kitchen sink.
Loved it!

It's a cheap (free if you already have the stuff at home) and you know exactly what's going in it.

I'll be linking up at the parties at the bottom of my page, hope you guys try it out too!!


  1. I was just thinking how I need to go buy some spray bottles to hold all the cleaners I need to make. Looks like I'll be adding another bottle to that list.

  2. I have tried this recipe, but I didn't heat the vinegar. I just put it in a spray bottle and shook it up real good. It is great. I have been singing its praises ever since I tried it.

  3. I'm going to try this! I made a concoction out of Hydrogen Peroxide, Vinegar and water the other week to wipe my walls and KILL mold and my friend came over last weekend and thought I painted because the walls were sooooo clean.

  4. Good tip for the spray bottle. I just got a bunch at Target for $1 each and I need to try this. I am a new FB fan visiting from ABC and 123 Learning. Vicky from Mess For Less

  5. Thanks for sharing...I will give this a shot. Soap scum is the bane of my existence! Stopping by from Making Lemonade.

  6. So impressive! I would LOVE for you to share this awesome mommy solution in my Mommy Club link up! Or any other ideas. Stop over! http://www.crystalandcomp.com/2012/02/the-mommy-club-share-your-resources-and-solutions-31/


  7. That looks easy enough (aside from the melting spray bottle, LOL). I could use some soap scum killa in my house! Thanks for linking up to Refresh Your Nest Friday over on Making Lemonade. ;-)

  8. Such a great idea! I think this will be a great tip for my household. Gave you a feature! ;)

  9. Pinned ya........I'd like to invite you to share this @CountryMommaCooks Saturday Link and Greet Party(starts Fri@ 6 pm ct.)…..have a wonderful day:)
