Monday, July 16, 2012

Hellooooo out there....

Hi Guys!
I'm still here... I'm still alive.
Sorry for the SERIOUS absence lately.
I haven't been well and I thank you guys for sticking around still, you're the bestest!

I'm trying to get back on track, I'm trying a new medicine from the dr's and it seems to be helping me feel way better.

Tomorrow I have a fab guest post from Natalie from North Shore Days so come back again to check it out!

Also don't forget to come by and 'like me' on Facebook!
If that link doesnt work search for 'From the Heart'
I seem to update that more frequently.

In the meantime here a just a few pix from our family vacay last month....

Please do not call CPS on me, my child is NOT actually touching the mermaid's breast it's just a camera trick!

Dont forget to come back tomorrow!!!!


  1. the picture!! And he's a cutie pie!

    I feel ya in the blog absences! I've been very inconsistent the last year!!!!

  2. Great pics! Glad to see you back, hope you're feeling better.
