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Monday, January 24, 2011

Thankful Tuesday Linky Party

My life is busy. We all have lives that are busy and crazy and hectic.
Sometimes we forget to really be thankful for the little things in our life.
My son who now says thank you for EVERYTHING reminds me this.

I'd like to devote atleast one day a week to give tribute to the little things in life that I am thankful for and I challenge you to do the same.
Each Tuesday I will have a Thankful Tuesday were you take just a few minutes to share something you are thankful for. Here are mine for the week:

I am thankful for my husband who ironed my freshly washed curtains.
(and I didnt even have to ask him)

I am thankful for the long nap that my son took on Sunday

Which gave me the chance to spend a little time sewing.

I am thankful for my friend Marisa who really knows me and didnt stop looking for my bday gift when she was told it was sold out.
(yippe finally my OWN copy)

I am very thankful for the time I got to spend with my dearest friend Becky. We not only got to spend MUCH needed time together but she spend the time teaching me how to use my Cricut.

I am thankful that when my son woke from his nap we got to spend some time playing in the backyard. I'm so thankful to be blessed with a heathly happy son.
(even if he drives me nuts)

No matter how much I complain about watering the grass or pulling weeds, I am thankful for a yard that I can call my own and for the gorgeous view to look at everyday.

It's the little things if life that we often forget about.
So what are you thankful for?

So here are the rules...
Link up from now untill Friday.

Tell us what you are thankful for.

Please place my button in your blog post or somewhere in your blog so other people can link back and enjoy in the fun. Plus I gotta show off my swanky new button!

Ready set go....

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