Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mixed emotions...

Tomorrow is my lil guy's 3rd birthday.

Where did the time go?

I am so proud of the little person that he is becoming.

I am also so sad to see less and less of my little baby.

I'm getting ready for his birthday party, just a simple get together for lunch with friends and family on Saturday. How have I gotten to this point and not freaked out yet? I have no clue, plus I had time to play with my newest addition and I even worked on 2 projects around the house!

I'll check in and let you guys know if I enjoy myself or curl up in a ball and cry.


  1. I know how you feel! I had kind of gotten over it as the boys got a little older (although it never really goes away) but now I have to go through it all over again! I hope his party was fun!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope he enjoyed his bday party! I know can't believe he's three too.

  3. Oh wow, he's grown up so much since you took the pic in your profile! He looks so much like you! Such a handsome little guy!!

    BTW, your description of the Vienna sausages made me puke a little in my mouth...LOL
