Monday, October 15, 2012

Beginnings of a Big Boy Room


So with baby number 2 on the way, I’ve got to get in gear and get working on my son’s big boy room.

When we asked him a long time ago, he said he wanted a room with blue walls and white curtains, I think I might watch too much HGTV with him around.

Currently, this room is being used as a junk room, kind of a catch all where we put things we don’t know what to do with or need somewhere to get it out of the way. It also serves as a guest room so whenever we have guests the junk in the room gets pushed into the closet and cleaned.

I have been just too exhausted to move the big stuff in the room, but I found a few spare hours so I started painting his room.

boy room paint

And this is the color that he picked out. I can’t remember what the name of the color is but I got it from Sherwin Williams and it’s a $5 can of sample paint, I think I am going to have just enough to do what I need to to with just that a $5 sample size of paint!

boy's room paint

I have a habit of painting around furniture if its in my way.

This is just the beginning and I’ll give you all the details when the room actually starts to take shape.

chalk paint

Meanwhile, daddy finished priming the back patio and started to paint it grey to match the house. My son had to join in the painting as well, so luckily we had this sidewalk chalk paint for him to play with.

He loved it and it kept him busy. Looks like I’ll have to diy more paint!

sidewalk chalk

Stay tuned for updates on the big boy room.

Just keep in mind, I’m moving at a snail’s pace!


  1. Can't wait to see it. Did you make the chalk paint? Instructions please if you did :)

  2. What a great color! I'm excited to see what you do with it.

    Sidewalk chalk paint sounds like fun. Anything that keeps kid busy without destroying something you don't want destroyed is OK by me.

  3. Oooh love the blue paint color...can't wait to see it all finished!

