Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Happy Thanksgiving


Can you believe Thanksgiving has come and gone!? Time is just flying by.

This year we barely got our turkey! I’m fine with that I’m more into all the trimmings anyway and a ham, yum. My husband on the other hand was not happy about the possibility of not having turkey.

I didn’t have room in my fridge or chest freezer so I decided to wait until the last minute to get a turkey. Not a good idea! All the grocery stores on our side of the island were completely sold out by Monday before Thanksgiving.

We work in town so I went to the one and only grocery store there and they were also all out. My husband’s co-worker told him that he had to drive clear to the other side of the island to get a turkey!

I totally lucked out and stopped at Costco, who had sold out of their turkeys the day before and somehow they found the one and only turkey left in their store. YAY! SCORE!

I got up early on my day off (ugghhhh) and took our turkey out of the brine, dried it off and slathered it with butter and bacon, yup… bacon.

turkey bacon

My little man insisted on helping out so I let him think he was chopping the parsley for the stuffing. He was the happiest lil guy ever.

food prep

Of course I made my favorite dressing, my grandma’s recipe. Each year that I make it, it gets better and better.


And to top it off, my lil man also insisted on washing the dishes!


He did a great job and kept asking, “what can I help you with next mom?”


We had a yummy lunch of course followed by a little nap.

thanksgiving meal

But not before we had chocolate cake and pumpkin pie!

pumpkin pie

I may have over done it just a tad, I had no ankles for two days!!!

swollen feet

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, turkey with bacon. Looks yummy! I wish we had had chocolate cake for dessert. And what a great helper you have. Happy belated Thanksgiving!
