Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hoo are you?

Here are this week's questions!

1. Have you ever attended a professional sports game?
Yes I have, once in high school we were at a DECA conference in St. Louis and went to a cardinals game
2. Have you ever been to a concert and if so which one was your 
ultimate favorite performance?
Yes several local performers but I honestly havent been to a concert in YEARS!!
I think my all time fav was UB40. I think I was in the 6th grade! LOL
3. Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World?
Disneyland yes! Disney World no, but would like to one day.
4. What is your favorite theme park?
I have only been to a few, since we dont have them in Hawaii! I have always wanted to go to waterloo (is that what the water park is called?) I love watching those shows about the different theme parks. I had a great time at 6 flags cause I love coasters! If they suspend you and go upsidedown the BETTER they are!!
5. Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
We dont vacation enough to have a favorite spot. Infact we dont vacation. It's too expensive here to go anywhere. I am looking forward to a vacation that I demanded for our 20 yr anniversary. I demanded that my husband take me to wine country.


Growth Chart

I have been dying to try something with vinyl.
I see stuff online all the time and I could very well get carried away and cover my entire house with it.... of course if the hubby let me.

I ordered me some vinyl from Expressions Vinyl along with some extra cutting mats and a spatula. They have GREAT prices people, check them out!

I started simple since it was my first time afterall.
I have a wall in my kitchen where I would mark the kids height and I just loved it. Reminded me of my grandmas house growing up and all the marks on the wall in the kitchen.
Of course, were in the middle of slowly, very slowly redoing out kitchen so when it was time to paint I had to do something to save all the measurements.

I took out my cricut and my roll of black vinyl that I got from Expressions Vinyl.

I cut out numbers 1 through 6 and used my handy dandy spatula tool I also got from Expression Vinyl.

It was so super easy to use, I couldnt belive I didnt start cutting out lables for everything in my house. I got out a piece of wood I picked up from Home Depot for about $4 and spray painted it white that I already had in my cabinet.

I carefully measured out every inch and put my vinyl cut out numbers at each foot.
Then I marked and transfered the measurements that I already had on the wall.
I asked the hubby to help me screw the piece of wood into the wall and tada here is our new growth chart!

Right next to my magnetic pantry door!

Please excuse the bright flash the pix was take at 6:30 in the morning and it was still a little dark inside.

Ok so wanna good laugh???
Gotta be me I tell you!

So when I measured it up on the wall I didnt quite get a good measurement apparently because its all OFF!!! You have to add an inch to what you see on the growth chart.
I'm so totally bummed!
But not bummed enought to do it all over again!

Anyways, this is just the first of many more vinyl project to come.
Working with vinyl was way easier than I expected and if you order from Expression its way cheap too!
So please check them out and tell me what vinyl project you wanna do!

I'm linking up {HERE}

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 4 Potty Training

(please note this was supposed to post yesterday so now were on day 5)

So we finally gave up on the pull ups idea and decided to go for big boy underwear.
Untill now its been good one day and then nothing but diapers for a week!

This past Saturday we noticed that I was running low on diapers again since I always say ok this will be the last case of diapers I'm gonna buy... and then I end up having to buy another one. Well the little guy can ask to put on a diaper so I told him if you can ask to put on a diaper you're being lazy and you can ask to go potty.

He most definately was not happy about it.
But he got used to to it. Sometimes it took a little entertaining on the potty to make him stay there.

But now, so far so good! Hes asking to go to he potty and we've only had a few accidents where he started to go and then stopped himself.

I must admit, we did start with the bribe reward system and he loved it. But after the 3rd day he said he didnt need a treat after potty.
Also by the 3rd day we stopped asking him a hundred times a day and let him tell us when it was time to go, which seemed to work well.

It has taken a lot of patience, a few underwear a day and A LOT of praise but (knock on wood) all is going pretty well.

He is very hesitant to drink a lot of fluids and eat a lot of food and at nap and bed time he struggles to go to sleep. We wonder if subconciouslly he is afraid to go in his pull up.
We tried explaining to him that he has sleep time underwear so its ok if he has accidents.

So what worked for ya'll??
Any tips for us?

Monday, July 18, 2011


Happy Monday!
Gosh, why do the weekends always seem too short?
We'll its back to the grind today and time for Monday Music Moves Me!


It's a freebie day and these songs are what I'm loving right now.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The weekend is here, can we say TGIF?
Whoo hooo!

Well, kinda.
Once again, the hubby isnt home this weekend.
Thankgoodness for Papa!!!

My dad once again swoops in to the rescue!

Its time, actualy way over due to wash the screens and windows so thats the plan for Saturday morning. Hopefully if we get done early we can play.
Maybe go to the beach... or I can experiment with some new ice cream flavors.

The hubs is at a fishing tournament so it would be nice if he would bring home some fish.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Kitchen Sign

I started this project so long ago and only now am I posting about it. You have probably seen this sign in the background in other posts such as {this} one.

I had a scrap piece of wood that was really long, I cant even remember from what project, it could be from our garage wall.

I liked the worn/aged look similar to all the hand painted signs you see in blogland and also like I posted about {here} so I tried to whitewash it sorta. Basically I just used watered down primer and brushed it on without giving it a good coat of paint.

Then I used my awsome Cricut and cut out letters on cardstock and then traced them onto the board.

I have not read the book Eat Pray Love but I liked the saying. It makes me feel like it matches in the kitchen the heart of the home, dont ya think?
Then with a small brush I painted in the lines with a lime sorbet.

I went slowly and carefully and did 3 coats since the green was so light.
And then I didnt like it and decided to go with a darker green.
Orignally I intended it to go over my kitchen window and then I got design ADD and decided to put it above my stove where I had a red kimono picture.
I havent attached it to the wall just yet 1. because I still have to paint the wall up there and 2. cause I just might change my mind once again.

So here it is for now and if you checked out {this} post you can already see that I rearranged some of the items around it.
Linking up {HERE}

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

going ons... and mixed fruit and berry sorbet

I have got a bunch of little projects I've been working on that I have to post, sorry for the lack of posts these days.
Besides being busy at home with tons going on, I've been busy at work as well with the boss being out of town so by the time I get home I'm exhausted!

I picked up a $25 desk a while back that was nice and long and I figured would be perfect for my crafts. I finally got the darn thing painted up.

I hand painted a little sign for my kitchen which you may have noticed {here}.

I started another corkboard...

Painting has started in the kitchen, I know this project will be a long work in progress.

I did however finally decide on the fabric for my curtian in the kitchen.

From Fabric.com check them out on my sidebar! Fab fabrics and good prices plus free shipping if you spend $35. (which will be no problem with all their great choices)

I also made a new bff for summer.

I saw this ice cream maker at Costco and couldnt convince myself to buy another kitchen gadget for $34. Then their coupon book came out and they had a $6 off coupon... hmmm that deal is sounding like something I cant pass up. Then the very next day I saw a post on The Pioneer Woman about mango sorbet (of course I cant find the post now) and I was convinced it was a sign.

Yup I bought it and made sorbet the very next day. It would have been sooner except you have to freeze the bowl for 18 hours.

I used whatever frozen fruit I had in the freezer. Added a bit of honey, lemon juice and a couple of scoops of yogurt. Blended them all together and then poured them into the ice cream maker.

I'm guessing because the fruit was already frozen it started to freeze up and resemble sorbet really quick.

That night dessert was mixed fruit and blue berry sorbet.
I looked like a professional. *wink* hehehe

I think he liked it

Somewhat Simple


PhotobucketA Little Knick Knack

Friday, July 8, 2011

busy week TGIF

Whew, it feels like such a busy week.

It was a short week with Monday being a holiday, so hard to go back to work.

Monday evening I had an ACS meeting that ended up to some girl friends catching up over wine and pupus... too much wine.

Wednesday evening I picked up a sweet deal on a table and 3 chairs that I plan to redo into and entry way table. Going to use one chair for my desk and I still dont know what to do with the rest of the chairs.

Last night we had our Association meeting. Associations have good points and bad. I am greatful to have the neighbors I have right around me but there are a lot of people that really make the community feel seperated.

Tonight were going to the homeless shelter to serve dinner again. We stayed up a bit late shredding chicken and making Itallian sausage meat sauce.

Tomorrow were having a small belated birthday party for my neice, oh God please help me get through just one more day! I have garland to sew, happy birthday signs to cut out, pom pom balls to poof!

And just because I cant post without a pix here is my lil guy doing some redneck fishing.

That lil space by our gate never grows grass and always puddles up after the rain.

Fawk you Friday

Ok, I'm not mean and sinister and pesimistic but its kinda fun to vent on Fridays after a LONG week.

BWS tips button

I won't go there with my point of views on the Casey Anthony thing.

But I will say Fawk you to Homeowners Associations.
I think it divides and community and doesnt create a neighborhood atmosphere.

And Fawk you to Karaoke night at the bar at grill that obviouslly had a broken knob on the volume!!
Normally the noise doesnt bother me but last night, gezzz karaoke was extra loud and so was the cheering crowd. If I didnt have to work today I just might have joined them. LOL

Have a TGIF!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Reading...

Today I had the pleasure of reading two really great blog posts.
Both about relationships and both completely different as well and completely amazing at the same time.

I just had to share.

First one I have to share with my TV adicted husband who complains when after I've been lying in bed sleeping for an hour while he watched tv gets offended and upset when well... lets just say I dont give him the attention he wants.
(buddy, shoudda tried and hour ago)

Check it out over at The Idea Room
It's about keeping the sparks flying in your marriage.
It's got great advise about making time for your spouse, talking again, having date nite and turning off the tv.

The other article you'll find {here}
I cant even explain it
You just have to see for your self
Trust me... hysterical!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

and let there be light

This was a project we talked about for so long, I honestly dont know why we havent done it sooner.
We have horrible lighting in our kitchen and were slowly working on updating it.

It's hard to tell from the pictures but under the cabinets are super dark.

We picked up a roll of rope lights from our local Ace Hardware during their 4th of July sale.
One roll of 18' fit perfectly under our cabinets and for $7.00 plus I had $10 worth of credits so basically I got them for FREE!!!
Can't go wrong!

Here's the after



Ok so the down side.... if you look in the pictures above you can see the plug hanging down and then plugged it. For a basically free upgrade I am NOT complaining. Plus its mostly hidden behind the coffee pot anyway.

More before:


The pictures really dont do it justice, the lights really really make a huge difference.
And just to prove it heres one in the dark:

Fast, Cheap, Easy and it worked!
Now thats my kinda project.
Yea I'm kinda an instant gratification kinda gal.

Linking up {here}


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend Recap

I'm not a real holiday person and the 4th of July is no exception. We never really made plans but I always said since I have my son I wanted to make some new family traditions.

If you read my vent on Fawk you Friday you would also see my challenges in planning family outings.

I have to say, minus a little family drama, we had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

Friday evening after dinner we jumped in the car and drove to the west side where the Pacific Missle Range Facility had a fireworks show.
We just found a spot on the side of the road and parked right there.
(best way to avoid the traffic!)
It was the first time my son saw an ariel fireworks show and he loved it... for the first 5 mins, the last 5 he could care less and wanted to search for bugs.

We did some chores and projects around the house on Saturday morning and even ran into town to do a little shopping.
That afternoon our friends from up the road took a stroll to our house with dog and baby in tow. We hung out in the yard for a bit and chatted and my son got to play with their dog. He felt like such a big boy walking their dog around.

Sunday we had planned a get together with my sister and neice. It was a while since I got to hang with my bud Charity so her family also joined us.
We had a great time! It was sooooooo needed!

We grilled some hot dogs had pop corn ran around the sprinkler and just had a great day!

Of course we were having too much fun to bring out the camera but I did get a chance to snap these pix. What I love about them is that its of all the daddies!
There were only 3 mommies; me, my sister and Charity.
The rest of the kids came with their daddies.
How cute is that? I love seeing kids with their dads.

Yesterday was a bit crazy, as my father in law ended up in the hospital.
All tests have come back ok and he did not have a stroke or heart attack and they will be releasing him today. Thank you Jesus!

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fawk You Friday

BWS tips button

Today I'm gonna do a  little venting. Boobies and Christy have a great platform for venting your frustrations and letting em out and getting over it.

 It's fun and every so often you need to get stuff off your chest so bare with me or please feel free to leave if you dont want to hear my whinning.

Fawk you to my hubbys job that now has him working on weekends and holidays!
He took this job so that we could have more time as a family, he felt like he was missing out on our son growing up... well fawk you and what you thought is what they should have told him!
Working late, working weekends and soon travel... seriouslly?
This has really put a strain on us and some days were barely talking and somedays were just fighting.
Fawk You ____

Fawk you to my hubby as well since now you working weekends and when you not working you going fishing. That leaves us with hardly any family time and time for house projects and ME time! Which you mama's know is necesary. Not to mention my etsy store that has been put on the back burner for way too long.

Fawk you to the development company that convinced us that we were buying into a first time homebuyer's affordable housing. Affordable my butt!
It stresses me out every month making ends meet and if it werent for a $3K mortgage I'd be a stay at home mom doing my esty store and the hub's job can FAWK him all they want.

Alrighty all done for today, hope everyone has a safe and fun filled 4th of July weekend!


Summer Emergency kit for the car

I am sooo misbehaving! Look at what I'm having for breakfast...

Mango Lilikoi Pie and oh so delish!
Sandy from The Right Slice does a MEAN pie!
If you wanna get a fix you can check it out {here}

Anyway... back on the subject.
I try to plan... it hardly ever works out in my favor....
I hate being stuck somewhere and not have something or wishing I did.
Either that or I accumulate things in my car each trip out somewhere thinking I'll need this or that for my son and next thing you know my car is full of extra toys, clothes just a mess!

I finally decided to pick up a container from wallmart.
I put in a spare towel.

Extra change of clothes for warm, cold and swimming.
(as you can see I tried to color coordinate them so I can change it up if need be)

Some toys and pens and notepad for drawing, the lil guy loves to draw.

And then I put it in the back of my car.
No more oops I forgot this or that!
I also put in some sun screen and bug spray as well.