Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Who are You #25

Im participating again over at Night Owl Crafting
I missed last week but trying to catch up after Thanksgiving!
This week's questions all relate to Christmas!

Here are this week's questions!

1. Do you like to listen to Christmas music?
2. Are you one of those people who get all their shopping done early,
or do you do most of it in December?
3. Do you set a budget on how much you spend on each person?
4. Do you send out Christmas cards?
5. Do you enjoy this holiday season or does it stress you out?

Here are my answers!

1. Do you like to listen to Christmas music?
I cringe when I hear Christmas music in the stores and on the radio, but, I really do like listening to Christmas music sometimes.
2. Are you one of those people who get all their shopping done early,
or do you do most of it in December?
I always try my hardest to get my shopping done throught the year. I stash the gifts in my closet and most times forget what I got for who! But I am getting better. Most of my gifts are baked or handmade gifts for families other than that so I'm very busy just before christmas.

3. Do you set a budget on how much you spend on each person?
I really try to set a budget but I never do.
I try to only buy for kids and immediate family but most of my friends have 5 kids! Yikes!
4. Do you send out Christmas cards?
Yes! That is one thing we always do is send out Christmas Cards
5. Do you enjoy this holiday season or does it stress you out?
I always hated the holidays, with a passion! I was a TOTAL SCROOGE!
But since we've been in our own home and now had a child its totally changed for me!

So there it is for the week!
Dont forget to check out the others!!!



I posted last week about my son almost ending up in the hospital.
It was a scary experience.
I never want to go through that again.
Now I know why if I came home hurt or sick, I'd get lickens. Growing up you dont dare get hurt or sick or grandma gonna give it to you!

Here we are giving him his neb before bed on Wed.

And then my husband's turn first thing in the morning.
Dont forget we were getting up every 3 hrs to give it to him during the night as well.

This is what I saw in the morning just before my dad put the turkey into the oven as we were leaving for the ER to get checked.
My dad
he's getting fancy
check out the rosemary and bacon and oranges
btw, it turned out great!

Sorry no after pix, we were too tired and hungry but I promise it was a feast and it was delish!

What Ive been up to

This has to be one of the longest project Ive worked on, well from start to finish. I've started collecting corks many years ago. Both from what I've consumed and also from working in a restaurant.
So even if its been a long process its been a very fun process.
As I was putting this corkboard together I didnt quite plan it out very well, but I had a great time thinking of where most of them came from.

I loved the R's, yea just cause its my initial.

The cork in the bottom there, yup the upside down one that says fre, I bought that for our end of the year party when I was pregnant. It was alcohol free wine, I wouldnt recomend it.

One of those cakebread corks I saved when I sold my first bottle waitressing. It was a $95 bottle of wine and it felt like a huge accomplishment. The couple gave me the cork and even saved a glass for me, it was very good wine, I wouldnt pay $95 for it, but it was very good.

I just loved these!

There it is all finished... FINALLY! The frame I talked about here when I gave a new life to old frames.

Now to just hang it on the wall!
And the question is....

Im linking to these parties {here}

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving {I am thankful for}

It is now 5am and I'm not up to prep my turkey, boil my potatoes or prep my stuffing.
I just finished giving my son what feels like the millionth nebulizer treatment.
Yesterday just before lunch my dad calls me at work and says that my son is breathing fast and it seems like he was having a hard time breathing. I called the doctor and got the next appointment and the we were off.
They checked his oxygen level and it was extremely low.
With no hesitation she said, it was bad, really bad.
My son a usually very healthy boy was in bad shape. If youre a mother you know the hopeless feeling you get. I was crushed.
About a month a go we went to the dr for the first time. They said it was a cold and couldnt do anything. He got better in about a week and then a few days later he got the same cold again. We went back to the drs and they said he was fine and just to keep him comfortable. Again a week later he was fine again. The cough came back about a day ago and I was so upset. You just know when something isnt right with your child.
Sure enough here we are facing the possability he might have to get admitted into the hospital.
Thank goodness after neb treatments every 3 hrs and even waking him in the middle of the night his breathing is almost back to normal. We have to go back to the ER today to check him out and see if we need to continue his once every 3 hr treatments.
Were exhaused. Not just because weve been up with him every few hours but because its so emotionally draining.

So, I am going back to bed for about 2 1/2 hrs before we need to do it all again.
I wish you all a very happy thanksgiving and hope that you all remember and spend a moment thinking of everything you are thankful for. Hug and kiss your loved ones, hold your babies just a little tighter and a little longer and tell them you love them and are thankful for them.

God Bless you all!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Laundry Room Wall Art

So when I started my laundry room project I wanted to do it without speding money. I also knew it would not be a permanent fix, theres no way anything is permanent with my ADD.

This is what it looked like in the begining




I made this sign in about 5 mins with everything I already had.
All I did was print it out on cardstock, cut out some fabric left over from the table project, glue it on and frame it with a $2 frame I already had!
Its not exactly what I had in mind, but like everything else its temporary untill I have extra funds or a better idea.

I really wanted to paint the walls pink, but I had no pink paint on hand. What I did have was some cherry blossom vinyl art that I bought from Amazon when I did my bedroom wall. (btw, will be updated soon)

Everything is almost FREE on this project!!!
(yea I was doing laundry just before this pix was taken and I left my detergent out)

For the ironing board Im invisioning something similar to how Shelly did it over at House of Smiths.
Like I said this part of the project was as free as I could get it.

So what other ideas or suggestions do you guys have for the laundry room?
Ive been keeping my eye out for a wreath and maybe a cute bucket or something...

Linking to the parties found {HERE}

Monday, November 22, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

When I first started this blog, I had no idea what I was doing, I still dont, but Im enjoying the ride and I appreaciate all of you faithful followers for putting up with me!

One of my first followers was this amazingly cute and talented
Christina from Christina's Adventures
She very soon became my inspiration.

So when she messages me the other day and awards me with this Stylish Blogger Award I was speachless!
Stylish me? Naw!

Flattered? VERY MUCH SO!
So thank you Christina you guys go check her out now! Give her some support she's getting ready for her first craft fair!

So here are the rules with this award:

1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this.

Which is the wonderful Christina from Christina's Adventures

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

Ok 7 things huh...
1. I am from Kauai, which is an island in Hawaii with a population of roughly 65,000 people, on the entire island! It makes it a great place to grow up and at the same time not a great place to grow up. You cant get in trouble on the playground whithout your parents, aunties, uncles and grandparent finding out by lunchtime and waiting for you to give you lickens when you get home.

2. I have a 20 month old son that I love with all my heart. He's my lucky boy. We tried and tried to get pregnant for a long time and when we finally did, I miscarried at about 11 weeks. We waited a few years and then when we bought out first home decided to try again. 8 months later we were tired of trying. I finally got pregnant and went into labor early at 28 weeks. They stopped the labor and I went home. At 37 weeks he was anxious to meet us and so after 19 hrs of labor he was born just in time to find out his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice!! Thank God he is fine active healthy boy!

3. I work full time for a demolition company.
(so building and creating is not something I'm used to LOL)

4. I have been married to my husband for 10 years! Yes 10 years! I met him in highschool and we were friends. Got married at 21 and it took all these years before we had a child!

5. My ethnic background consists of:
Japanese, Portuguese, Hawaiian, Irish, Mexican & Moorish

6. I was the first woman kickboxing match on the island.
(kinda random but a fun story to tell my kids one day)

7. I have a huge sweet tooth and a keen nose for it too. I can smell chocolate on someones breath! Im blind as a bat! no seriouslly Im blind! I have a restriction on my license and can't walk down my hallway without my glasses or contacts, so I really do see the world differently :-)

3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

Yvette at Napualani's Closet
Shes up and coming and has amazing jewlery and vintage finds on her Etsy store

Joy Kanai at Joy Kanani
thrifty finds, photography, and super cute kids too

 Mandi at Vintage Revivals
Shes not a new blogger but I totally love her creativity

 Christina at Christina's Adventures
I know she's already gotten this award and shes the one who gave it to me, but she totally deserves it!

Kimbo at A Girl and a Glue Gun
She's got a glue gun and she knows how to use it

Kristy at 1st Birthday Luau
Shes got great ideas and resources for a 1st birthday luau

In His Grip
such cute projects and look into their family life

Lyndsie at A Love Worth Waiting For
Very inspirational

Allison at A Glimpse Inside
I admire her for finding time for everything she does

Jessica at Must Add Fabric Softner
A stay at home mom that makes me feel normal and reminds me to enjoy the little things

Shannon at Delectalicious
must try her recepies, or find her house and crash it at dinner time, that's all i have to say

Poindexter at Home Sweet Homemade
decorating a home on a tiny budget and shes darn good at it too

Brandi at Dont Disturb this Groove
a little bit of everything.. even a bat!

Lori at Ooohlala Floral and My heart with Pleasure Fills
very talented!

Suzie at Stay Calm and Sew Something
Shes taught me great tips on sewing and lots of great info

4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.

Hope you all have a great week preparing for Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Whats for dinner Wednesday

Alright guys its time to tell us all what you had for dinner last night!
Think of it like a recepie exchange.

Last night I made Portuguese Bean Soup.
We had gotten a flash flood watch at about 10 am.
It was calling for rain and thunderstorms perfect weather for soup!

Theres my pot simmering away. For those of you who know me I would normally post pix of all the veggies cut and each step of the way, but it was one of those days.

Its a long process to make this soup.
You start by boiling a ham hock or shank, I used a left over ham bone from dinner from another night.
I boil for approx 4 hrs or untill the meat falls off the bone and breaks appart.
Then remove any fatty skin or bone or cartilage.
Then add in:
about 3 cups water, 2 cans kidney beans, 2 potatoes cubed, 2 carrot sticks sliced, 1 onion chopped some hawaiian salt and 1 portuguese sausage sliced (my favorite is the purity brand)
Boil for about 20-30 mins then add
1 can tomato sauce, 2 stalks celery chopped, 1 head of cabbage and 1 bunch of watercress (when in season) boil for another 10 mins.

Here's a big spoon full of yummy goodness.

I sometimes make elbow mac to go with it our house has to have rice!
It was a huge hit, even though it was hot and we were sweating our butts off!

I also made a batch of buttermilk biscuts, oooh delish!

Laundry Room Table

I have no working room in my laundry closet.
I decided to once again make use of our scrap lumber and make a little table.
It's not big at all since its a closet and the only space I had was where a dryer would be.
We dont have a dryer, I love to hang my laundry.

I measured the space and made a frame.
Then topped it with some plyboard.
YES I did it all myself except for the cutting of the wood.
And NO it did not end up square... hahaha,
but good enough.

I painted it white with some leftover paint. I put some trim on the front of it and decopauged the fabric I posted about here.

Acutally I didnt have decopauge, I used a ton of elmers glue and watered it down a little.
It held up really well and then I topped it off with a couple coats of clear shlack.

I finally put the table in the closet, and yay it fit!

Please dont stare at my horrible floor. Its a very touchy subject.
Can you see the pink swirls? Its linoleum glue seaping into the floor and coming through. Its caused by moisture and whatelse is caused by moisture... yup, you guessed it mold. EWWWW
So dangerous! and disgusting!
Lets just say there is something in the process of being done, rumors say lawsuit with the manufacturer and developer, but Im not holding my breath.
Were planning on hiring an abatement team to rip out all the linoleum and clean it, then put new flooring, then they can bill the developer.
Sorry for getting waaaayyy off track, I told you it was a touchy subject.

I then added my topiary that I posted about here.
Ooh I think it looks cute!
Still much more work to do but theres my update!

Check back soon!

I'll be linking with these parties {HERE}

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The DIY Show Off and Giveaway

The DIY Show Off

I love the DIY Showoff
Sooo many great ideas shared.
One more great thing to love...
They're hosting a giveaway right now for a $100 CSN Stores credit.
What are you doing still reading go enter!

Whats For Dinner Wednesday... {LINKY PARTY}

Hey all this is my first ever Linky Party!
I enjoy Linky Parties because you get to share ideas with other people, meet new blogging friends, and steal share projects or recepies or inspiration!

This is the first of many to come, so come back often as I announce more linky parties with different themes.
Today's Linky Party is:


I have two reasons for this topic
1. The Pioneer Woman is on Throwdown with Bobby Flay tonight!
(did you all set your dvrs?)
2. The sky is dark and we just might have rain tonight so I am making Portuguese Bean Soup.
I love soup and this soup I would make all the time, its just been such a hot summer I havent made it in ... well... ages!

So, your mission if you chose to accept it.
Go home tonight and document whatever it is that you are making for dinner. (kinda like a recepie exchange) If you're making mac and cheese from a box, I dont care, I want you to share it with us! If you're making Beef Bourguignon, right on! Send me directions and Im coming for dinner!

The fine print:
Linky list will be up from now till Friday.
Please stick to the theme of FOOD
Spread the word and invite your friends to participate, the more the merrier!
Please link back here so your readers can see all the recepies
Thank you!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hoo are you? #23

What a very cute idea to get to know your blogger buddies!
I am thankful for all you followers who keep up with what Im doing so I figured I'd participate in
Hoo are you? Over at Night Owl Crafting. Obviouslly were on #23 so I'm a bit behind. Hope you all enjoy getting to know me. If you have any specific questions dont be afraid to ask!

Here are this week's questions? 

1. Do you ever burp out loud in private or public?
eeekkk, Im so busted here! Yes I burp outloud and it depends where in public I am. I stay away from soda cause it makes me burp like a man!

2. How often do you get sick each year?
I used to be so healthy and hardly ever get sick, but ever since having a child I get sick all the time! Im sure its from lack of sleep my resistance is down and when he gets something I get it too.
3. Would you rather paint a room in your house yourself, or have someone else do it for you?
I'm usually gung-ho and want to do it myself, also because I can be a control freak, but by halfway through Im begging for help.
4. If you get 30 minutes to yourself, what do you do?
When do I ever get 30 mins to myself??? Seriouslly I shower in 5-10 mins! If I do though I like to lay back and watch some hgtv or diy network.
5. Do you allow people to wear shoes in your house?

And heres a pix of my family

So there it is. Go and check out the other bloggers over at


Linky Parties

Here is a list of the linky parties that I participate in. I will update the list as much as possable.
Thanks for checking them out they love visitors!!!


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